god i feel like shit. i drove all the way up here and i didnt even spend as much time with everyone at punknite as i wanted to!!! i didnt hang out with everyone at the hotel before the show cuz i was at my sisters. i was having fun at the show but then happykitten5 showed up and by then i was so hungry from not eating all day that i was getting really shaky and sick feeling so she took me to get food and when i was sitting down eating it i was so tired i couldnt even finish it. so then i didnt go to the fucking afterparty which i knew i would regret in the morning like i do....but i wouldnt have been any fun if i had gone with the way i was feeling. its fucking bullshit like this that makes me feel so old and think i might as well start having kids! ever since i lived in japan i havent been up for much and im always lazy and tired. i fucking hate it. im too young and hot to be acting like this lol. someone needs to knock some sense into me! i am glad that i met everyone that i did tho. so yeah, im really fucking sorry that i ditched you guys so much yesterday, i really am. and i came all this way. fuck.
well i will be back in town memorial day weekend...i know nothings going on, but if anyone whos gonna be around wants to hang out, please let me know!!! ill show up i swear!

well i will be back in town memorial day weekend...i know nothings going on, but if anyone whos gonna be around wants to hang out, please let me know!!! ill show up i swear!

P.S. We should chat and maybe hang out sometime when you are in town, that would be super

Nice meeting you, and talking with you at The Brewery. Too bad you couldn't make the after party, but oh well... maybe next time.