friday morning, after only four hours of sleep, i got up at three in the morning to get ready to join a trip down to the narita airport right outside tokyo. a girl i used to work and her husband were picking up a friend thats visiting them from the states. after we met her at the airport, we were all supposed to continue on to tokyo to find and eat at hard rock cafe or outback steakhouse. but by that time everyone was so tired, hungry, and stressed out that they decided that spending at least another hour or two looking for those places wasnt worth it, so we just headed back home to misawa. fucking assholes. a perfect chance for me to finally see tokyo practically free, and everyone had to turn into whiny little bitches. the trip ended up lasting 24 hours! so i shouldve just stayed home. but stag goes there almost every weekend so maybe i can work something out with him!!! but enough about that....
i had a very interesting day today! tim suprised me with roses, then he went with me to the mall, and to top it all off, we snuck in to the guys bathroom in the movie theater in the mall and got it on! i bought Poe one of the things from the list of goodies she would like from japan before i leave here. but i still have a few more things im going to get for her
i love buying things and doing things for other people. anyone else want a little something from japan???
i had a very interesting day today! tim suprised me with roses, then he went with me to the mall, and to top it all off, we snuck in to the guys bathroom in the movie theater in the mall and got it on! i bought Poe one of the things from the list of goodies she would like from japan before i leave here. but i still have a few more things im going to get for her

wow well good luck with the move and everything.
Yeah me! Just kidding. Wow man I hate to taunt you but the Hardrock Cafe in Tokyo is AWESOME! They serve great pasta, when you finally get a chance you'll have to check it out. It's in Roppongi dist, not too hard to find if you have a map. Sorry your trip sucked, it bites when people are whine-asses.