well my layers arent so bad once i straighten it. but what it needs is to be thinned out a little. went out yesterday and took some family pictures in a park for a girl i work with, beth. im so proud of myself, i really got some good ones! she said shed even pay me, but i dont know how much and i really wouldnt mind if she didnt. i just had fun doing it! im really nervous about going to work today cuz some shit my go down with the four of us, if not just three. 1. my boss offered me a week off when kitten comes here, and is now denying it. 2. her husband overheard beth telling me that she pissed her off the other day, but we all acted like we didnt see each other, which was so obvious its stupid. 3. the schedule. 4. my boss has been talking shit behind my back for years, and it might finally come out today. fuck, i hate not knowing how to handle situations. i wish i had some balls lol. so i might come home today without a job. but beth will stand up to her no problem. well see what happens! stupid ass drama!!!

you should post pics of yr hair!