this is a little late but i hope everyone had a good thanksgiving ^ ^;; i cooked my first thanksgiving dinner and it was very stressful. but everything came out good! we ate nothing but leftovers for the rest of the weekend. it was awesome lol. next year will be better :3 well the litter my rat had is doing well. they are all still alive and growing fuzz now. most of them will be all black like her and a couple will be white with black heads with black down the middle of their backs. they should have their eyes open any day now! i still dont have a name for mommy yet dammit! i dont know why this is so bloody hard for me. nothing sounds right for her. i hate it. i would like to try and find homes for as many of them as i can, so if any of you guys up there in ohio would like to have a rat, they really make great pets! if i cant find homes for them that will be okay too. ive raised a litter of them before i moved to japan. so as if having two cats and thirteen rats wasnt enough, tim just got a little kitten the other night! he is all black too and his name is Nicodemus(sp?). right now im still calling him "little man" and then ill move on to calling him nikki lol. but wait, theres more! sometime this week a friend from tims shop will be giving us her two cats to babysit while shes deployed for a few months! bloody hell. this is going to be very interesting. recently i finally told my best friend that im fed up with the way she has always treated me when she is involved with a guy. i had to email her actually since i can never get ahold of her and she never returns my messages. i havent heard back from her. its been a few weeks and i know she read the email. very sad

hi kaetzchen... it seems that you choose a german name. funny.

i like ya! sounds like you're thanksgiving wasnt too bad, go you! i look forward to your return to ohio...we need to hang out! and if i get a reply back to this comment, i'll be shocked!