definately need to update!
my recent trip to ohio was shitty. it was really cold and rained the whole bloody time! when i was leaving i thanked my gramma for letting tim and i once again stay in her beloved mansion and she said "youre wel-- its okay" WFT. now, ive never liked her but i never thought she would be flat out rude to me like that. i told my mom about it and she told me a lot of stories about how bad my gramma has treated her over the years. see, my mom is my dads second wife AND she had twins(colleen and i) instead of one of my aunts having twins. This is why my gramma does NOT like my mom or my sister and i. how fucked up is that?! but she is old and and will die soon. so now i hate everyone on that side of the family. even more. ive always hated them. im not stupid. ive picked up on how things are with those people. like catching my dads youngest sister, the baby in the family, giving colleen dirty looks behind her back, and my gramma giving us the shittiest presents every year at xmas, while everyone else gets big and expensive shit. i could go on and on but i think you get the point. oh okay one more juicy tidbit: when colleen and i were born and my mom was still in the hospital, my gramma didnt believe mom had twins so she called the hospital to ask the doctors herself. then she called my mom in her room and all she had to say was "its too bad that you had twins instead of...." what a fucking bitch. i hope i never see any of those assholes again. well okay moving on! as soon as we got back down to GA we moved into our new house on base! yay! its the biggest house weve had and its pretty cool. i just wish they kept all of the floors wood instead of just the steps and upstairs. everything downstairs is the lanolium shit we had in japan. fuck. it collects so much dirt, dust, and crumbs from i dont where i cant stand it! i need to find really big carpets somewhere. and here is an email i sent to a friend back in japan today: my problem is tim. shocker huh? yeah i know. ever since he decided to stay with me instead of his ex, he has not wanted to have sex with me. hes still obsessed with his game of course so we dont do anything together or talk ever. we dont even kiss that much. its like he only does it cuz he feels he has to, ya know? im also mad at my sister right now and shit with kitten is...i have no idea actually. i sent her an email about a week ago telling her that im sick of how shes always treated me. finally. i havent heard anything back from her but i know shes read it. i upset that no one from japan ever talks to me. amanda is fucking pregnant but i had to find out from andrea. my family was supposed to come down for thanksgiving so i could cook my first thanksgiving dinner and they backed out. i am going to have to quit my job a week before getting laid off anyways(the park is closing for two months) so i can see my family during christmas for the first time in three years but my boss is telling me i cant request the time off, so i have to quit. we are still really poor and im really stressed out about my new credit card thats almost maxed out thanks to tim that i have to worry about paying off. so that means that i cant get tim the new computer that i promised him for xmas. we also need another car. i have no friends here. ive been thinking about just staying in ohio for a few months when i go up there for xmas since i wont have a job to come back to. but then again there is a technical college in town that i want to look in to and possibly take a small course so i can hopefully get a decent job. something medical since they have alot of that there. the only somewhat good thing thats happened lately is that i got a new pet rat the other day. i still dont have a name for her yet tho. i also think she might be pregnant since shes really fat and the girl i got her from had her in the same cage with four males. shes also got a tumor, but thats not uncommon in rats. my first rat had one. at least shes not in any pain. i miss japan so fucking much you have no fucking idea. im just miserable here. i fucking hate the south. every thing that i think about, i remember how much i loved it in japan. i want to go back so bad. i wish i could. there were some things that for the three years i was there i kept telling myself i was going to buy and i never did. i hate myself for that. i wish i couldve gone to tokyo with you...
so theres that. anyone got any ideas for names for my new soon-to-be-mommy? lol. and if anyone up in ohio wants a pet rat in a couple months just let me know. they make great pets! if you guys wanna see what she looks like, please go check out my gallery at strawberry kangaroo
um i think thats about it for now. sorry its been so long!!! love you guys
my recent trip to ohio was shitty. it was really cold and rained the whole bloody time! when i was leaving i thanked my gramma for letting tim and i once again stay in her beloved mansion and she said "youre wel-- its okay" WFT. now, ive never liked her but i never thought she would be flat out rude to me like that. i told my mom about it and she told me a lot of stories about how bad my gramma has treated her over the years. see, my mom is my dads second wife AND she had twins(colleen and i) instead of one of my aunts having twins. This is why my gramma does NOT like my mom or my sister and i. how fucked up is that?! but she is old and and will die soon. so now i hate everyone on that side of the family. even more. ive always hated them. im not stupid. ive picked up on how things are with those people. like catching my dads youngest sister, the baby in the family, giving colleen dirty looks behind her back, and my gramma giving us the shittiest presents every year at xmas, while everyone else gets big and expensive shit. i could go on and on but i think you get the point. oh okay one more juicy tidbit: when colleen and i were born and my mom was still in the hospital, my gramma didnt believe mom had twins so she called the hospital to ask the doctors herself. then she called my mom in her room and all she had to say was "its too bad that you had twins instead of...." what a fucking bitch. i hope i never see any of those assholes again. well okay moving on! as soon as we got back down to GA we moved into our new house on base! yay! its the biggest house weve had and its pretty cool. i just wish they kept all of the floors wood instead of just the steps and upstairs. everything downstairs is the lanolium shit we had in japan. fuck. it collects so much dirt, dust, and crumbs from i dont where i cant stand it! i need to find really big carpets somewhere. and here is an email i sent to a friend back in japan today: my problem is tim. shocker huh? yeah i know. ever since he decided to stay with me instead of his ex, he has not wanted to have sex with me. hes still obsessed with his game of course so we dont do anything together or talk ever. we dont even kiss that much. its like he only does it cuz he feels he has to, ya know? im also mad at my sister right now and shit with kitten is...i have no idea actually. i sent her an email about a week ago telling her that im sick of how shes always treated me. finally. i havent heard anything back from her but i know shes read it. i upset that no one from japan ever talks to me. amanda is fucking pregnant but i had to find out from andrea. my family was supposed to come down for thanksgiving so i could cook my first thanksgiving dinner and they backed out. i am going to have to quit my job a week before getting laid off anyways(the park is closing for two months) so i can see my family during christmas for the first time in three years but my boss is telling me i cant request the time off, so i have to quit. we are still really poor and im really stressed out about my new credit card thats almost maxed out thanks to tim that i have to worry about paying off. so that means that i cant get tim the new computer that i promised him for xmas. we also need another car. i have no friends here. ive been thinking about just staying in ohio for a few months when i go up there for xmas since i wont have a job to come back to. but then again there is a technical college in town that i want to look in to and possibly take a small course so i can hopefully get a decent job. something medical since they have alot of that there. the only somewhat good thing thats happened lately is that i got a new pet rat the other day. i still dont have a name for her yet tho. i also think she might be pregnant since shes really fat and the girl i got her from had her in the same cage with four males. shes also got a tumor, but thats not uncommon in rats. my first rat had one. at least shes not in any pain. i miss japan so fucking much you have no fucking idea. im just miserable here. i fucking hate the south. every thing that i think about, i remember how much i loved it in japan. i want to go back so bad. i wish i could. there were some things that for the three years i was there i kept telling myself i was going to buy and i never did. i hate myself for that. i wish i couldve gone to tokyo with you...
so theres that. anyone got any ideas for names for my new soon-to-be-mommy? lol. and if anyone up in ohio wants a pet rat in a couple months just let me know. they make great pets! if you guys wanna see what she looks like, please go check out my gallery at strawberry kangaroo
um i think thats about it for now. sorry its been so long!!! love you guys

I want to see more naked pictures of you damnit.
For your husband I'd smack the hell out of him and tell him to wake up man. Credit card debt is the worst. I'm in debt too and just trying to pay the shit off is a pain in the ass. I hate it. I'd love to be able to have twins when I do end up having kids. That has always been one of the things that I've wanted. I heard it skips generations though. Is that true?