Ok so shit in NY is going good. I'm about to add new pictures. I'm doing good in school. I met hella people this last weekend and it was awesome. Got really trashed and made alot of new friends. I think I'm going to volunteer at Roosevelt hospital, I've got to go in Monday and talk to Volunteer Services. I also asked some random guy who was walking into the pathology department if they offered internships and I ended up talking to the people in that office for a while about and they told me they don't have a formal program but they said it's happened before with some high school kid last year and I should come back on tuesday and talk to the dept. head. Hoping that works out. Blah blah blah guess thats it. Go home in 20 days, mal comes in 13. Super excited.
<3, Jen
<3, Jen


nice lacy undies in NY!!! lol i think everyone has a blast when they go there. I know i do lol. Later

good luck with the internship, your favorite movies are awesome