OK so I had the biggest Nyquil hangover this morning. It was horrible, well really interesting actually. I don't know I was zoning most of the day, slept through part of chem lecture. Read during math. I'm re-reading Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison. I read it in school two years ago and I liked it but I don't remember it that well so I'm reading it again. I finally started utilizing the library out here and I'm catching up on alot of the reading I've been wanting to do. Because I've been sleeping during the afternoon I've been getting these crazy amounts of energy in the middle of the night... the other night I started dancing around in my underwear to Queen and footloose at like midnight (and trying to convince my roommate to join in). The other day I was rocking out to MSI when no one was around. It reminded me of Mayu which made me even more happy. I finally got tape and started putting up pics in my room. I have an Electric Six poster that Kevin gave me. Haha.. "Fire in the Disco." I've talked to Lesley alot recently. I love talking to her, it makes me feel good because she understands me like no one else. She makes me feel beautiful. I can't wait to see her over thanksgiving. I have the most incredible and beautiful best friend. Blah, I don't know I'm going to go do english and bio work and finish watching the presidential debate.
Nyquil is bad juju...I can't even take it, it makes me stay awake robo tripping all night if I do.

Lesly sounds like a wonderful friend. I have one of those. I feel blessed. I'm also frightened of losing her. But what do you care about that? It sounds like you've been having fun. Fun is on the horizon for me. If only I can reach it ...