Went running today, gonna start studying in a bit or go to bed. I'm really tired for some reason. I went running earlier. I love the feeling when I first start running and I'm full of energy and my legs just feel incredibly long and graceful. I like it! I started to fast though and it was too hott and it got lame too quickly. Ok so mac and cheese is on sale for 25c a box, no tax. So I stocked up and bought a whole bunch and that's like all I'm eating right now. Seriously I have like 18 boxes. It's so good. : ) And I'm eating from a jar of peanut butter. Mmm. I e-mail a girl I grew up with that moved to Arizona when we were little. It's really cool to talk to her. She's at Westpoint which isn't that far away so we're gonna hang out one of these days. I'm pretty excxited. We swapped pics and it's crazy to think about how much we've grown up and changed from when we were little. I haven't seen her in a long time, seriously like 10 years or something. It's gonna be really cool to see her. I talked to my best friends from back home yesterday and today. They told me how much they missed me and it made me happy because I miss them so much and I can't wait to see them again. My friends are doing so much with their lives, it makes me really happy. I'm gonna be a scientist, Mallorie is going to be a firefighter, Marina is at Stanford, Lesley is at UCSB, Mayu is at SF State but I know she'll do great when she figures out what she wants to do. Jimmie is working on all his recording stuff. Tom is working at a tattoo shop. Josh is going into the Army. It's crazy to think about how fast you seperate from people and how quickly things become part of your past. Nothing feels like "just yesterday" anymore. Everything from my life feels so far away. The past, the future, even the present doesn't feel like it's happening now. I'm going to go study because whether it feels like its happening or not, I still have a bio midterm on tuesday.
EDIT: WILL SOMEONE EXPLAIN TO ME HOW THIS MATCH THING WORKS? How do you get matches? What happens if I click Select? Who selects my matches? Can I select someone as a match? I don't understand.
What do I do with the matches I have??
EDIT: WILL SOMEONE EXPLAIN TO ME HOW THIS MATCH THING WORKS? How do you get matches? What happens if I click Select? Who selects my matches? Can I select someone as a match? I don't understand.
what up!!!!! holla at me soon!
friends growing up is the strangest part yet, i think.