OK so on my last journal entry Doubt made a comment about not my dating profile not being accurate. So I'm gonna be a little more specific about it. For my pigeonholes, my friends back home think of me more as a hippie, people that don't know me think of me as a punk, I'm really into art and music of all kinds. I love jazz music that's why I put jazz cat, my dad has all kinds of jazz albums back home that I listen to when I'm home. I read alot so I'm kind of a bookworm and I think of myself as a geek. I use to drum when I was alot younger, so I'm still a softy for drummers and music with great drum beats. When I say I listen to everything, I really mean it. While I mostly listen to classic rock, I really don't have limits on my music preferences. I love oldies and classical music just as much as I love rock and punk. I listen to blues, jazz, funk, rockabilly, hiphop, rap, some pop, emo, and hardcore music. It really all depends on my mood. I quit smoking recently, I'm doing good. While I was drinking when I first got out here I'm working on not drinking so much because I'm out here for school and I really need to focus on it, plus I don't drink that much back home (probably because I'm always driving) but it's really not good for me and so I put occasionally. I really don't smoke weed but I did before I came out here a few times and I did when I got here a few times so I put occasionally. It's really not something I do on a regular basis, it's really not even a once a month thing but because I do do it rarely I put occasionally. I really don't do drugs, I have been known to take ambien or vicadin sometimes, but I'm really not a drug person. I have friends back with addictions that range from coke to speed and even heroin, I mean I prefer people not to be drug addicts but I try not to judge people. I don't have a specific political preference I have alot of problems with modern politics. I don't care what your political stance is just as long as you can argue it. I don't have a specific idea it all depends on who I'm with. With Mal I go to bars and am out until all hours of the night. With Jess I use to go to shows and just chill. When I hook up with my friends I never know whats gonna happen we can sit at home and watch movies of end up sand-wrestling completely trashed at the beach or at a friends house 2 and a half hours away in Sonora. It doesn't matter. Umm I guess that's more accurate. Sorry it's so long. OK, it's early morning so I'm going to bed. Night y'all.
See I am glad I wrote that last comment cause I now know a whole lot about ya.
I think that it's vaugely done, but who knew it was gonna be put up anyway. I messed around with mine. I think the best friends are made by mistake. Ya know. So, how is Brooklyn today? Good I hope.

wow, you really put alot of thought into yours