Ok so exhausted but doing good. James has been calling me almost everyday... he so wants me. Haha. : ) I just ate soup and for some reason I'm still hungry... : ( I got my school ID today (finally) I haven't been sleeping, I was tired, hungry, and I felt like shit so I put on the biggest dorkiest smile I could manage and it turned out awesome. Then on my way home there were people handing out big pink foam bunny ears as a promotion for energizer. They said it was the energizer bunny's birthday.. either way I have foam bunny ears : ) and I'm stoked. I'm gonna go get a library card today.. I'm excited about that too. Ahhh ok, stuff to do. Bye, y'all.
***** ok so it's about 11:30 pm... I just woke up with my hair in a side ponytail somehow... like it's sticking straight off the side of my head.. as if I had put it that way. Then I got into a discussion with my friend about how my goal was to get a whole bunch of neon sweatbands and go jogging around Brooklyn Heights... but then I decided why limit it.. I'm just gonna work out in neon sweatbands all the time, on the treadmill downstairs.. the cardio center at school. The sad thing is I can totally see me doing it. I also had a discussion with my friend yesterday about how my goal was to use the emergency shower in the chem lab by the end of the year : )... I really want to. OK I'm showering and going back to sleep, I've been asleep for hours...it feels so good. bye everyone.

***** ok so it's about 11:30 pm... I just woke up with my hair in a side ponytail somehow... like it's sticking straight off the side of my head.. as if I had put it that way. Then I got into a discussion with my friend about how my goal was to get a whole bunch of neon sweatbands and go jogging around Brooklyn Heights... but then I decided why limit it.. I'm just gonna work out in neon sweatbands all the time, on the treadmill downstairs.. the cardio center at school. The sad thing is I can totally see me doing it. I also had a discussion with my friend yesterday about how my goal was to use the emergency shower in the chem lab by the end of the year : )... I really want to. OK I'm showering and going back to sleep, I've been asleep for hours...it feels so good. bye everyone.


you need head bands too. sleep is awsome whenever it comes. It's so elusive (SP?) most of the time. I hope you achieve all of your goals
(very noble ones indeed)

Yeah, good job on the goals. You're an achiever. I used to drink out of the emergency eye washer spouts in high school. You know, the ones with green lids?