AHHH I haven't gotten more than 4 hours of sleep in the last like week... I feel like I'm gonna die, I've started getting these insane migraines and I'm like becoming Narcoleptic... I keep falling asleep in classes and stuff and my vision goes all blurry and I get lightheaded and can't keep my eyes open because it hurts.... Which is why I'm spending the next five days sleeping. : ) WOOT! I'm super excited. Everything out here feels so weird... Nothing feels real... this doesn't feel like my life.. I keep waiting to wake up and be back home rolling out of bed, hopping in my car and driving to CSM or even Notre Dame. Well no, CSM felt real.. this doesn't at all. I hella cleaned the other day! It was so exciting. I cleaned the tub, sink, and toilet and washed my sheets! : ) I also realized that I'm not interested in Morgan because he makes me uncomfortable... I've known him for like a day and he keeps scooting as close to me as possible. It's like dude I need space.. you are not only in my bubble but your practically breathing on me. Not cool. I guess thats it.. I'm getting another splitting headache so I'm off to hibernate. I'll probably write tomorrow about the drunk escapades of the evening.