OK, so neither of my plans for today worked out but I still had fun. I took this really trippy nap, I had this dream within a dream thing going and then I thought I was awake when I wasn't and stuff it was weird. Kevin set his alarm but forgot to turn it on, and Craig was late so we didn't have time to go to the zoo but we went mini-golfing instead it was loads of fun and I just met hella people on my floor... I've got shitloads of homework to do so I gotta go. Late.
[Edited on Sep 08, 2004 9:13AM]
i always see that with you
heres a way i safe guard agaisnt that
every paragraph or so, especially if its a super long post, i copy what i have already written, that way if something happens, i habvent lost it
so im a dork, sue me