Listening to the Clash and dancing around in my Pajamas. The last few days have been awesome. I've been having such a good time. It was Kims birthday the other day so we had white russians then mixed vodka and cranberry juice again. It's weird drinking three different types of vodka in one night. Got super drunk and had a good time. Yesterday I went and got school books (NO LINE!) and hung out with this guy Craig. It was totally like something out of a movie with walked by Lincoln center and there were all these booths set up of people selling artsy stuff so we wandered through there and found this awesome arch guitar player, from there we went to central park and wandered around for a while found this amazing found and the pond and stuff. There was these two adorable little asian brides and their wedding parties taking photos and I wished I had my camera so bad because there was the perfect picture. It was on of the brides sitting on the fountain eating a crepe with her groom next to him and a groomsman on either side and they were looking tired but happy, kinda bored but perfect... I don't know it was just the most awesome photo.. so we ate a crepe and met a street musician that played some mad classical guitar, bought cds, someone stopped to talk to Craig about his sweatshirt (which had something making fun of bush on it) and she showed us some pics of the protests she'd taken we walked around some more and found like this rollerskating party or something, there was music and people were dancing on skates and tons of people were watching and it was just plain funny but still really cool, we walked away from that and found this lone hippie girl on a hill playing acoustic guitar stuff which was cool and watching this woman play croquet all by herself in this really pretty little garden spot. We walked back to the Opera house wandered through the booths more, bought some archguitar music (which also fucking rocks!) and made plans to go see Carmen on Oct. 2nd (way syked). After that we went into this really gorgeous church (St. Pauls I think) just off 59th, and wandered around it for awhile, the mass started right after we got in so almost the entire time we were there we were listening to this awesome organ music and people singing. Then we came back and I took a nap. Just an overall really good day. There was music everywhere we went and everything was so vibrant and beautiful and we kept coming across random cool shit. : ) Today I'm going to the east village with Kevin and we're gonna go to American Apparel and this little vegetarian restaurant and just sort of hang out and wander around. Then I'm going to the Bronx Zoo with Craig at 1:30. I'm just super happy, things are going great out here I'm making so many friends. Plus I'm still getting e-mails from James back home every few days or so, so I'm really happy about that. I don't know, shit is good.

Wow. Makes me REALLY miss NY. Glad you are enjoying it out there. Thanks for adding me as a friend too. Ciao!

I want to live in New York. You are my hero.