OK so... I have hella shit to write about. I had a going away party a few days ago, I think it was the 18th. Mallorie threw a hotel party instead of a bonfire for Eric and I. Eric leaves for Colorado today.
I leave in 2 days.
Anyway, it was cool. Well not really, from the very beginning we knew this party was doomed. We got our hotel room, parked the car around back and had just skipped over the balcony to grab our shit out of the truck when Mal's ex boyfriend, James (more on him later
) shows up with a few other people cause they heard there was a party there.. We had just gotten there and already there were people there. We we're like o shit. within the next 20 minutes.. shit loads of people and shitloads of alcohal just started showing up. By the end of the night I only knew like half the people at my own going away party. People just kept bringing and giving me alcohal it was fucking crazy. So anyway of course with that many people and that much liquor someone is gonna wreck shop.. so while mal, les, and I are outside discussing the situation and everything a picture frame breaks the people in the next room hear it and call management who calls the cops. Of course everybody bails out and within minutes the place is clear except for the bathroom full of alcohal, we had beer all over the bathroom, the sink was full of ice and beer bottles, cases staacked under the sink, in the tub, the trash can had been emptied and filled with ice and we had a fat bucket of ice that had been filled with beer as well. Plus people had just been lightin' up in the hotel room. We had hella people just lighting up and passing joints around... OK so. Since we can't go back to the hotel and everybody bailed, James, Lesley, My other friend James (the insomniac from previous entries who for this I'll refer to as Jimmie), Sean, and Brogan just end up wandering around redwood city for like an hour and a half or so. We found a park to kick it in and shit and were just chillin' until we could get people to come give us a ride and shit. Well that worked out, our friend Keola came and got us and Jimmie had his truck so we were chill. Then someone gets a DUI and the night sucks. I end up spending the night at James' which was fun because he's a total sweetheart and we get along great (Mal, his ex and a best friend of mine, had told me before we should meet because we'd be good together, well we met and we're great together. We spent all yesterday together and the afternoon before that just hanging out and talking and we went to another party which I'll get to in a sec.) Anyway, so I woke up early the next day and me and a few other people went and got our friend out of first chance (an overnight facility). Blah, blah, blah. Go home that night and sleep all night from like 7pm to 4:30am. Finally at 8 I head over to help Mal's mom with a prep for a fat english test, spend the day taking care of her sisters baby. Meet up with James and spend the afternoon with him and Brogan, go to a party with 'em and a bunch of other people. Get hella drunk and have deep talk with James (good stuff) meet hella people, help break up a fight between two friends. : ( Spend the night with James again and all day yesterday talking about everything and just chillin', lots o' fun. Finishing packing now while listening to oldies again. Gonna go run errands now, talk to y'all later.
*Oh and for the record, no I haven't had sex with him or anything. (This comment is mostly for Sally)*
Oh dude somehow I ended up with Mad bruising all over my body, it's hella weird. I think it's from climbing over the balcony at the hotel over and over and over again... but still. I'll put up pics later.. like my entire right leg from my mid-calf up to mid thigh is covered in bruises as well as my left knee and I have two small oves on my left thigh, and I have a cut and the remnants of a bruise on my right elbow and some sparce ones on my left arm. The crazy thing is that I wasn't really drunk the night of the hotel party, I only had like 2-3 beers, a sparks, and half a 40.

*Oh and for the record, no I haven't had sex with him or anything. (This comment is mostly for Sally)*
Oh dude somehow I ended up with Mad bruising all over my body, it's hella weird. I think it's from climbing over the balcony at the hotel over and over and over again... but still. I'll put up pics later.. like my entire right leg from my mid-calf up to mid thigh is covered in bruises as well as my left knee and I have two small oves on my left thigh, and I have a cut and the remnants of a bruise on my right elbow and some sparce ones on my left arm. The crazy thing is that I wasn't really drunk the night of the hotel party, I only had like 2-3 beers, a sparks, and half a 40.
silly girls and buises on their legs. Just cuz it popped into my head, the only thing worse than being platonic with a girl you're totally in love with is her leaving. Just a thought.