Ok so after watching a Led Zeppelin DVD over and over again for hours, I've decided they are the most underrated band, while I already knew I liked Led Zeppelin I didn't realize how hardcore I was really missing them. They are not just good, they are fucking AMAZING. I'm going through my music right now and I have so much, I've gotta get a few fatty CD cases to take to NY. I've decided that I want to start playing an instrument again. Drunk and Watching John Bonham rock out so hardcore on the drums made me miss them really bad and the way Jimmy, Robert, and John all just felt the music seemed so pure and just awesome. Anyway so I've been picking looking for clothes for NY and then a few minutes ago my mom busted out these snow boots and a jacket that she wore in like the 70's in Illinois. They are so rockin'! It's not even funny. I also got some long underwear that I can wear under my pants at cosco today. They're pretty cool too. Oh ok! I got the coolest pants from Target today. (Side note: I walk around in my underwear alot because I really don't like wearing pants.) They don't feel like I'm wearing pants, it's like walking around in my underwear but I'm not, so I can wear them all the time and not risk offending anyone or being uncomfortable.
Anyway super stoked. I got more good music and I'm feeling good. Packing is going great. I have SO much crap to go through though and it's obnoxious. Anyway I'm good and stuff is fun.

thats so crazy
i hate clothes too
i think ppl would mind more if i ran around in my undrroos that you, but hey, thats the way it goes
keep on rockin
maybe you can drum for my band!!!!