OK so last night was a really long night. I got really drunk with my best friends, Lesley and Mayu. Mal was there for a little but took, I hung out with Tif and played on the trampoline and bumper chairs for a while, and by the end of the night some how managed to lose my shoes, my sweatshirt, my cellphone, and twist my ankle.
(Which really hurts I might add.) While I've found all my missing possesions and am somehow not hungover, I've come to the conclusion I talk to much when I drink and probably shouldn't do it that much. However with the moving away for school situation myself and alot of my friends are in, we keep going to going away parties. I've also decided that I smoke too much when I drink and that sucks too because cigarettes SUCK. I talked to the guy I liked and while I found out he doesn't like me I did find out that he really likes Lesley and I'm happy about that. He seems to really like all my friends which means that he's probably the type of guy I could be really good friends with because I seem to become best friends with my friends boyfriends. But yeah so I'm over Bryan and I got to give him that little peck on the lips I wanted to and I'm putting in a good word for him with Lesley because I think he's a really awesome guy and if he likes her then that's way chill. I made a new friend in this chick Madeline who was crying alot because her best friend, Selma, is moving to Canada. I talked with her for along time and helped comfort her fears and sorrows and having her best friend leave while we were drunk and chillin.' Mayu informed me that I need to stop being other peoples bitch again. I used to be really bad about it but then I got better and I've somehow sunk back into it. I just really like helping people and if someone needs or wants something I don't see why it's such a problem that I give them a hand every once in a while but o well. Mayu's out of the shower so I'm gonna go, late y'all.

wish things had worked out with the boy tho
youll find someone in new york tho
i hear that that place is just crawling with people
stay in touch!
I'm generally sober actually, I'm almost always driver so I really don't get a chance to drink and even if I'm not driving I don't drink at big parties or when my friends are drinking. Last night was an exception because I wasn't driving I didn't have to keep an eye on anyone because the entire thing was friends and people I know.
Thorien: I actually don't mind that things didn't work out with Bryan, we talked alot last night and while I was temporarily disappointed that he doesn't like me we are better friends now and the fact that he likes Lesley is awesome because I love her to pieces and I couldn't think of anyone I'd rather have him like. Plus because we talked alot about music we realized that we have alot of similar tastes and so we're swapping hella CDs now like I'm burning him all my Beatles and Skynard and stuff and he's giving me more Cream, Hendrix, Sublime, James Brown, and stuff. So it's all awesome.