Ok so spent last night drinking with Mal and a few other people on the beach. Quite fun... got in fat sand wrestling matches and although I will still claim that I won.. I'm not really sure if I did. Broke my jandals so now I have like no shoes and I go to Shasta tomorrow so I have embarked on a mad adventure through my home and vehicle to find my other flip flops. Although I spent the morning socializing I am now home continuing to pack for three different trips. Schedule: Leave for Lake Shasta with Mal for 4 days of water fun (swimming, wakeboarding, boating, and jet skiing) then when I return I come home grab my stuff and take off on a 4 hour drive up to Courtright? Reservoir for a week of rock climbing, bouldering, swimming, and backpacking. Exciting! Upon my return I'm getting the rest of my shit together and throwing a fat bonfire beach party (possibly a keg?)
Ok well I guess I'll finish this later 'cause I have errands to run. Later y'all.
Ok well I guess I'll finish this later 'cause I have errands to run. Later y'all.

i just had to tell you that.