I like Salsa and I miss Australia.
It's insane how people you meet for such short periods of time can have such a profound impact on you. The people in Coolangata felt like a family and I learned to care about all of them in their own individual quirky ways in a really short period of time. I miss the balmy days on the beach (even though it's winter there) and the sarcastic commentary that always arose (generally from me). Every morning I would eat 4-6 pieces of toast in an incredibly short period of time purely because it was free and I didn't want to have to buy lunch. I would have battles with the people in the hostels over who could drink more wine before being completely trashed. It was awesome and despite being hung over and tired every few days we managed to kick ass every fucking day. I wish I never had to leave but I'm sure my adventures in NY will be fun too. Mal comes home tomorrow so if I get enough done today/night I can go jet skiing on tuesday. : ) So much to do... it feels so weird picking up my life and moving from a small coastal town to Manhattan. I still don't know if I'll actually survive. I've been up for like 36 hours now and for some reason I'm not tired at all. I'm gonna blame it on the pudding cup I just had which probably has just enough sugar in it to keep me up until the end of this entry or until I reach a point where it seems completely pointless to sleep because I have all kinds of work and errands to do in the morning.. packing and phone calls. Why does being gone for three weeks always require so much catching up on return. O well.. It's been lovely. Night y'all .. I'm off to watch movies in a half awake insomniac style manner.

It's insane how people you meet for such short periods of time can have such a profound impact on you. The people in Coolangata felt like a family and I learned to care about all of them in their own individual quirky ways in a really short period of time. I miss the balmy days on the beach (even though it's winter there) and the sarcastic commentary that always arose (generally from me). Every morning I would eat 4-6 pieces of toast in an incredibly short period of time purely because it was free and I didn't want to have to buy lunch. I would have battles with the people in the hostels over who could drink more wine before being completely trashed. It was awesome and despite being hung over and tired every few days we managed to kick ass every fucking day. I wish I never had to leave but I'm sure my adventures in NY will be fun too. Mal comes home tomorrow so if I get enough done today/night I can go jet skiing on tuesday. : ) So much to do... it feels so weird picking up my life and moving from a small coastal town to Manhattan. I still don't know if I'll actually survive. I've been up for like 36 hours now and for some reason I'm not tired at all. I'm gonna blame it on the pudding cup I just had which probably has just enough sugar in it to keep me up until the end of this entry or until I reach a point where it seems completely pointless to sleep because I have all kinds of work and errands to do in the morning.. packing and phone calls. Why does being gone for three weeks always require so much catching up on return. O well.. It's been lovely. Night y'all .. I'm off to watch movies in a half awake insomniac style manner.
I rock. The End.