Ok so I just got back to the states today and I have to say that the entire trip was fucking amazing!!!! I bungee jumped off Harbor Bridge in Auckland, NZ and went Skydiving on some beach in Australia. And I got all tan from lying on the beaches and super strong from carrying a bag that was like half my weight everywhere. It was so great, Lesley and I met the most amazing people and even better we made friends not only in Australia in New Zealand but people from Ireland, Canada, and the Netherlands. We also have heaps of awesome photos. Yeah... I guess that's it for now. Thanks to everyone that posted comments on my last journal. You're all really sweet and if you'd like to talk or something e-mail me.

Another V.U. fan.....good
If you don't mind my asking, what are you moving out to NYC for....besides the fact that it's an AMAZING city to be a part of.