Long time no speak.
Ventured out of the cave today to see "The Rum Diary." Enjoyed it a lot, though all the scenes set in the newsroom and about the sad state of journalism stung a bit, just like with the final season of "The Wire."
Not much else going on. Just more work in a newsroom as burned out and beaten down and dysfunctional...
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Ventured out of the cave today to see "The Rum Diary." Enjoyed it a lot, though all the scenes set in the newsroom and about the sad state of journalism stung a bit, just like with the final season of "The Wire."
Not much else going on. Just more work in a newsroom as burned out and beaten down and dysfunctional...
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the question is not whether or not anything worthwhile is published....think the question more is that does anyone really care to read anything worth while?
Been enjoying time away from the office since Saturday - wouldn't call it a vacation since I didn't really go anywhere - and I feel relaxed. Haven't written or even read a headline in all that time, nor have I watched a single news report regarding anything at all. It feels good. Ignorance really is bliss, I suppose.
I don't know how it happened, but I have a Rush song stuck in my head.
"Tom Sawyer."
Again, how the fuck does that happen?
It's times like this I envy the guy at the end of the movie "Pi." It could be worse though; I could have a KISS song stuck in my head instead.
At least it didn't rain last night, for a...
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"Tom Sawyer."
Again, how the fuck does that happen?
It's times like this I envy the guy at the end of the movie "Pi." It could be worse though; I could have a KISS song stuck in my head instead.
At least it didn't rain last night, for a...
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Thank you so very much for your comment on my set! Now you've got Rush stuck in my head, too.
Thanks for commenting on my loss. You are right, it does get easier, but I still miss my Tyler so much. Even though I still have 3 kitties I still feel lonely without him.
Some nights I really hate that I sit by the police scanner in the newsroom. I mean, it's always interesting on those rare occasions something significant happens in this mediocre little hamlet, but oftentimes the chatter is just depressing.
Tonight I heard calls about an alleged sexual assault, a crazy female stalker, a domestic violence incident between a man and a woman where he struck...
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Tonight I heard calls about an alleged sexual assault, a crazy female stalker, a domestic violence incident between a man and a woman where he struck...
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Sitting around the house, listening to "End Times" by Eels. Relaxed. Mellow. Half dazed and drifting. Mr. E always know how to sing me to sleep when I need some help relaxing.
Long weekend in the office alone. I used to love days like that, no one around to bother me or have loud conversations about shit I don't care about. I still don't miss...
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Long weekend in the office alone. I used to love days like that, no one around to bother me or have loud conversations about shit I don't care about. I still don't miss...
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Thanks for the comment to my new set "Digital Love" 

Today is the last of my four days off. Would have liked to have been working on the newspaper last night though. The news came late for those of us on the east coast, but Osama's death is the sort of thing where you say fuck the deadlines.
I was off the day of that Giffords thing too. Always my fucking luck.
I was off the day of that Giffords thing too. Always my fucking luck.
This week was a very long week at work. That's about all I have to say about it. Seriously.
Today was a day off. The first of four in a row. But I still did some work around the office when I went in to get my paycheck. I didn't have to, but I felt like taking some pressure off what was going to be...
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Today was a day off. The first of four in a row. But I still did some work around the office when I went in to get my paycheck. I didn't have to, but I felt like taking some pressure off what was going to be...
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Almost five months into the year and only now am I thinking of when I'll use my vacation days. As always, I'm taking the week of my birthday and the week of Sept. 11 off, especially since this year will be the 10th anniversary of the attacks and I imagine those of us in the media are going to be inundated with stories, pictures and...
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I pretty much approve of any conversation that includes the phrase "Go fuck yourself" in a friendly manner.
What I don't approve of: Sept. 11th. It fuckin sucked, to phrase it delicately.
If it makes you feel any better, I work with teenagers, who never miss a chance to tell me how old I am. Then I remind them that we're all going to die someday, and the class gets strangely quiet.
What I don't approve of: Sept. 11th. It fuckin sucked, to phrase it delicately.
If it makes you feel any better, I work with teenagers, who never miss a chance to tell me how old I am. Then I remind them that we're all going to die someday, and the class gets strangely quiet.
I was a senior in college on that day. I was actually getting ready to go to school when I heard about the attacks. I was listening to the radio on the way over and was in complete disbelief. A lot of people disagree with me, but I think our government knew it was going to happen before it did or at least had some inkling something bad was going to go down. I partly blame them in a way. I also got a little upset with the media to some extent. I know it was there job and everything and respect anyone who works hard is a dedicated to what they do, but I found it completely disrespectful to the families of those who lost people to have to see people jumping and or falling from the towers. I personally did not know anyone that died, but I could no imagine having to see that knowing that one of those people could be a loved one. I do have to say that your "Go fuck yourself," comment was quite amusing. It is nice to know that you can joke around with people without them getting an attitude.
I hope you eventually decide when to take your vacation and that you have a wonderful Easter holiday! 

Quiet night. Cooler outside than it's been. Breezy but not bad. Beats the winter.
On my way home from work I saw a man walking down the center of a thoroughfare - a highway really, when you're not in town. Drunk, dumb or a death wish, I really couldn't tell. Another "d" would be "Darwin Award."
Cars would slow down when they saw him in...
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On my way home from work I saw a man walking down the center of a thoroughfare - a highway really, when you're not in town. Drunk, dumb or a death wish, I really couldn't tell. Another "d" would be "Darwin Award."
Cars would slow down when they saw him in...
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Remember, it's 4/20. Dude was getting his anrachy on. In a completely idiotic way.
Maybe it was a drunk leaving the bar after it closed and he couldn't afford a cab and he had forgotten where he lived so he was just roaming around stumbling everywhere. Or it could be like thebeliever said, maybe he got ahold of some really good green and was just out in his own little world. Then again, you must think it is West Virginia. He probably had a cocktail of things in his system , if that was the case. I hope he did not get hit. I know what you mean about it being cooler. It has been in lower 50's all day unusually cool for April. Just last week it was in the 70's and 80's. Sometimes I hate West Virginia weather. 

Well spring is finally in here in the east. The temperature has been steady in the 60s and 70s, the nights have been mild, the sun has been shining and I've been in a good mood, even if tonight it's all drizzly outside and all I want to do is sleep.
Considering it's 2:30 in the morning that sleep thing should probably make more sense...
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Considering it's 2:30 in the morning that sleep thing should probably make more sense...
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I am really glad West Virginia is finally getting some warmer weather. I am originally from Charleston, but six months ago I moved in with my boyfriend, Pezmaster and his family. Now I live about 2 minutes from Hawks Nest State Park. Pretty much I live in the woods, it is pretty boring actually. I have been following the weather in Charleston lately because I do miss home a lot and they have reached 80 like once or twice already. We here in Fayette County have gotten lower seventies. It has just been windy as hell. I was in Beckley the other day and they had like wind advisories and 60 mph winds.
As for being up at 2:30am, that is pretty normal thing for me. My boyfriend and I normally do not go to bed until closer to 5. If he did not have a four year old and we were still teenagers then this would be a perfect schedule, but unfortunately we are usually running on 3 to 4 hours a sleep a day. So you are the furthest thing from abnormal when it comes to sleeping.
Oh and yeah I wanted to mention that it totally excited me that I found another person from West Virginia on here. You are the second person I have found other than myself and my boyfriend, Pezmaster. I looked in the Region section of the Groups page and there isn't one for members in West Virginia. How sad!
I wonder if we are the only four? 
As for being up at 2:30am, that is pretty normal thing for me. My boyfriend and I normally do not go to bed until closer to 5. If he did not have a four year old and we were still teenagers then this would be a perfect schedule, but unfortunately we are usually running on 3 to 4 hours a sleep a day. So you are the furthest thing from abnormal when it comes to sleeping.
Oh and yeah I wanted to mention that it totally excited me that I found another person from West Virginia on here. You are the second person I have found other than myself and my boyfriend, Pezmaster. I looked in the Region section of the Groups page and there isn't one for members in West Virginia. How sad!

St. Patrick's Day. Teetotaler living in a neighborhood not that far from two bars. Annoyed to say the least. I didn't wear green either. But I did listen to the Dropkick Murphys in the office all night long.
Almost done training the new girl on all she needs to know so we can have her working alone some nights. Will be such a welcome relief...
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Almost done training the new girl on all she needs to know so we can have her working alone some nights. Will be such a welcome relief...
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I tend to be a hermit. Keeping strange hours at work helps the process, especially in a sleepy town where they roll up the sidewalks around 9 p.m. and the only people out past midnight are cops and the inebriated. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't.
These days I'm working a weekend shift for about a month, all by my lonesome. There was a...
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These days I'm working a weekend shift for about a month, all by my lonesome. There was a...
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