I hate it! Only a few more days and my rash will go away.....I hope. Why!!!?? Of course its on my chest and neck where everyone can see it. I dont know what it is or where its from. They say its an allergic reaction to something. I have no idea what. Im am not allergic to anything. I had to go to the ER at like 3am on saturday just cuz I couldn't sleep. It feels like a million needles poking me in the neck at once. Blah! And its all red and inflamed. Man do I hate this. I feel like a fucking lepper or however its spelled. Everyone stares at it.....and I have to tell them its not contagous. Kill me.
that snorting piglet female thing one made me laugh!
feel better soon
sorry about hte breakout
im sure theyre not thinking that about you
and if they are theyre idiots anywho.
theyll get a rash or something and you can laugh back!