I promoted both Saturday and Sunday in the Mission of SF. Fucking crazy tired still, not to mention a nice sun burn to show for it. Oh well, at least I get paid. I also went up to Bodega Bay to visit my old time friend. Was nice to get away even though it was only for a night.
I am gonna go camping wednesday too with AbyssBecomesMe, Audacity, Chemakil, and Mantix2140. Should be sweet....lots of weed smokin, no doubt. I havent camped in a million years, so I hope its as chill as I imagined.
I really want to go to New York this summer, but I cant just cuz I start school so soon. Fuck this bullshit. I just finished lamo school, and am going to start hair school in one month......one month.....thats ONE month of summer only. Fucking bullshit!!!! ARGHH!!! Oh well, thats what I get for always trying for the alternative way.
I need to re-up today so bad. I smoked all my shit last night, but I always buy more before Im all the way out. Time for new, good, sticky, smelly, chronic.
Posh is awesome. I love her so. Her new set rocks. I love the new Gorillaz cd and its nice to see my favorite SG hookup with Murdoc. heh. I'm pretty sure that I had my Gorillaz poster in the backround of my set, but I should check. Everyone go drool for her.
I am gonna go camping wednesday too with AbyssBecomesMe, Audacity, Chemakil, and Mantix2140. Should be sweet....lots of weed smokin, no doubt. I havent camped in a million years, so I hope its as chill as I imagined.
I really want to go to New York this summer, but I cant just cuz I start school so soon. Fuck this bullshit. I just finished lamo school, and am going to start hair school in one month......one month.....thats ONE month of summer only. Fucking bullshit!!!! ARGHH!!! Oh well, thats what I get for always trying for the alternative way.
I need to re-up today so bad. I smoked all my shit last night, but I always buy more before Im all the way out. Time for new, good, sticky, smelly, chronic.
Posh is awesome. I love her so. Her new set rocks. I love the new Gorillaz cd and its nice to see my favorite SG hookup with Murdoc. heh. I'm pretty sure that I had my Gorillaz poster in the backround of my set, but I should check. Everyone go drool for her.

Camping always rocks when you're chilling with friends. *see pics
I think you would get along so FUCKING well with my girlfriend! Wanna move to MN so you can become great friends with her so we can have a threesome? I've been told I'm a good lover and by others that I'm too big. I'm not that big, she was just small. Do you think 7 inches is big?