There is nothing better than when you are chilling at a red light and a cop pulls up next to you. Of course it was hot out and I had my windows down blasting my music. I realized that this was a perfect opprotunity for my N.W.A. cd to be heard. I switched my ipod to Fuck Tha Police and turned my shit up. The bass and everything....I love my speakers. I never looked at him, his window was down too, but I figured he got the idea. Cuz fuck tha Po-leece!
Everyone go wish Dyme a Happy birthday. She is my new hero.
Its my last day of school....and I am so done. Never goin back to that shit college again. Off to bigger and better things. Its funny because I hate giving presentations more than life inself. In high school I used to take teh bathroom pass and hide in the bathroom until the period was over, just to avoid giving a speech or presentation of any sort. God, I hated high school! Anyways, I have been going to this college for 3 years now and never once had to get up in front of a class to talk. So of course the last day I will ever set foot on that campus again.....I have to give a presentation. The universer works in sneaky ways, but its ok. It went well and I guess I'm glad I didnt back out like I was planning on doing.
Well, I'm off to go play video games cuz its friday, I aint got no job, and I aint got shit to do. I still plan on posting some crazy pictures soon. Just lazy as fuck like a good stoner should be. Have a good weekend. Maybe I will see one of you guys out in SF Saturday and Sunday. I am going to be promoting at Carnaval. Its gonna be crazy shit. I might even go to the Skill's Love party afterwards on Sunday. We shall see. It would be nice to go dancing again......I miss the scene.....or whats left of it.
Smootchy bootchies.
Everyone go wish Dyme a Happy birthday. She is my new hero.
Its my last day of school....and I am so done. Never goin back to that shit college again. Off to bigger and better things. Its funny because I hate giving presentations more than life inself. In high school I used to take teh bathroom pass and hide in the bathroom until the period was over, just to avoid giving a speech or presentation of any sort. God, I hated high school! Anyways, I have been going to this college for 3 years now and never once had to get up in front of a class to talk. So of course the last day I will ever set foot on that campus again.....I have to give a presentation. The universer works in sneaky ways, but its ok. It went well and I guess I'm glad I didnt back out like I was planning on doing.
Well, I'm off to go play video games cuz its friday, I aint got no job, and I aint got shit to do. I still plan on posting some crazy pictures soon. Just lazy as fuck like a good stoner should be. Have a good weekend. Maybe I will see one of you guys out in SF Saturday and Sunday. I am going to be promoting at Carnaval. Its gonna be crazy shit. I might even go to the Skill's Love party afterwards on Sunday. We shall see. It would be nice to go dancing again......I miss the scene.....or whats left of it.
Smootchy bootchies.

I live in South San Jose and i lived in San Jose for my entire life.... i was on my way up for vacation

last school day i hope it was nicely, it should be nicely man....i hope u enjoyed as well too