Whats up muh niahs?
I'm just chillin on the chill Monday. Im so glad I donthave to work on Mondays. Had a pretty crazy weekend. It was Audacity's 20th birthday, so we threw a sweet party for her. I just posted about a million pictures in my pics folder, so please.....CHECK IT!!!!!
Tonight I am going to see Gratitude at Bottom of The Hill. Yay! I love that place. Ive been to a few good shows there, and now I get to see Jonah play for the 2nd time there. I saw Onelinedrawing there when it was active. He played a bunch of New End Original songs which was cool too. He is so musically insane, but I love it.
I am planning on going to London this October with my hair school. We are taking a TiGi class there and going to a fw huge hair shows there. How sick is that!?!
I need a PSP. So Bad. I have been going crazy about it. Bleh! Why must they be so much fucking money. I have been playing Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition. Its pretty fucking sick. The custmization options are amazing compared to MDC2. You can select from millions of styles and colors for detailing options, from brand name everything. You can choose what style liscence plat eyou want: state, years, style. sick shit!
I love video games.......I need more! Need is the key word in that sentence. So please help donate to the Kade Need fund. Thanks!
I'm just chillin on the chill Monday. Im so glad I donthave to work on Mondays. Had a pretty crazy weekend. It was Audacity's 20th birthday, so we threw a sweet party for her. I just posted about a million pictures in my pics folder, so please.....CHECK IT!!!!!
Tonight I am going to see Gratitude at Bottom of The Hill. Yay! I love that place. Ive been to a few good shows there, and now I get to see Jonah play for the 2nd time there. I saw Onelinedrawing there when it was active. He played a bunch of New End Original songs which was cool too. He is so musically insane, but I love it.
I am planning on going to London this October with my hair school. We are taking a TiGi class there and going to a fw huge hair shows there. How sick is that!?!
I need a PSP. So Bad. I have been going crazy about it. Bleh! Why must they be so much fucking money. I have been playing Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition. Its pretty fucking sick. The custmization options are amazing compared to MDC2. You can select from millions of styles and colors for detailing options, from brand name everything. You can choose what style liscence plat eyou want: state, years, style. sick shit!
I love video games.......I need more! Need is the key word in that sentence. So please help donate to the Kade Need fund. Thanks!
I might be in London in October, possibly! Nice new profile picture

Woah, you tellin' me you're livin' like a rockstar and you can't get a PSP? This is a crime, a crime against humanity and videogames (which is the entire reason for humanity).