Check these pics from Audacity and myself's trip to Santa Cruz:
We went to Saturn Cafe where they have the best vegetarian food ever.
Silly girly waiter with slipper shoes.....he was kinda crazy.
Audacity and I at a lovely lunch.
I know I look really high, but I wasnt....wait.....was I?
Sweet volvo on the way to the boardwalk. This is for AbyssBecomesMe.
She looks almost suspicious.
Pretty beach....lots of it.
Weird windy path thingy on cliff.
I think I can see the Fried Twinkie stand....oh goody...
There it is!
Someone needs to do some weeding.
My head at a chinese resturaunt later on.
Westside Niggah!
There you go. I just spent like an hour resizing everything and getting it on here so you all better masturbate to
We went to Saturn Cafe where they have the best vegetarian food ever.
Silly girly waiter with slipper shoes.....he was kinda crazy.
Audacity and I at a lovely lunch.
I know I look really high, but I wasnt....wait.....was I?
Sweet volvo on the way to the boardwalk. This is for AbyssBecomesMe.
She looks almost suspicious.
Pretty beach....lots of it.
Weird windy path thingy on cliff.
I think I can see the Fried Twinkie stand....oh goody...
There it is!
Someone needs to do some weeding.
My head at a chinese resturaunt later on.
Westside Niggah!
There you go. I just spent like an hour resizing everything and getting it on here so you all better masturbate to
i play a little after work to get out the evil thoughts
she isn't really into games either
i need to meet a girl that loves video games
then we would never go out