So I got the other side of my nose pierced with a stud. Its pretty cute.
It was funny though, because when I told the piercer what I was doing....I said, "I am getting my other nose pierced." luckily he didnt notice, but I later realized after AbyssBecomesMe told me what I said, that it was pretty silly. meh. Here's a pic or two:
So yeah....I gotta finish working on my friend's band's cd cover. i am so behind. later.

So yeah....I gotta finish working on my friend's band's cd cover. i am so behind. later.

Anyhoots.... where the hell have i been?
Would it be too weird of me to ask for a closeup picture of all of them?
...........................I'm trying to figure out how to say "you're so cute it gives me a stiffy" without sounding like a lecherous freak.
I think I failed.