I gotta get all my Cal Grant info in today....deadline is tomorrow. I hope I get some kind of money for school this year.....that would be nice. As Tom Green would say, "I've got my fingers crossed.....fingers crossed..."
I am currently at work, by work I mean babysitting. I dont really enjoy it, but it pays pretty fucking well for me right now. I'm bored though, thank god the 1.5 year old is in front of the TV so I can get a lick on the comp for a second. Its so cute because my cat, Dottie is wearing her cone colar cuz she just got spayed. They are both sitting on my bed, watching Sesame Street. I took some pics...its cute.
So Yeah....I dunno what else. I'm bored....I should go and take care of this child. Meh!
I am currently at work, by work I mean babysitting. I dont really enjoy it, but it pays pretty fucking well for me right now. I'm bored though, thank god the 1.5 year old is in front of the TV so I can get a lick on the comp for a second. Its so cute because my cat, Dottie is wearing her cone colar cuz she just got spayed. They are both sitting on my bed, watching Sesame Street. I took some pics...its cute.

So Yeah....I dunno what else. I'm bored....I should go and take care of this child. Meh!
How was the rest of your night the other day? did you play silent hill or did you go out and do something exciting?????
I didnt know seasme street was still on. I was asked today if it was and I couldnt answer. Now I know.