I shot a set with Idjiit yesterday. It went pretty smooth and I cant wait to see the pictures edited and what not. He was a really chill mellow guy which made things nice.
Other than that I have been so busy.......life is so fucking crazy these days. I have two photoshoots coming up tomorrow and the next day. I am gonna be so exhausted. I also lost my house keys which fucking sucks. And I need to find my phone. Its somewhere around here.
I cant wait for the day to sleep through it all.
Untill next time, I'll see you later.
Other than that I have been so busy.......life is so fucking crazy these days. I have two photoshoots coming up tomorrow and the next day. I am gonna be so exhausted. I also lost my house keys which fucking sucks. And I need to find my phone. Its somewhere around here.
I cant wait for the day to sleep through it all.
Untill next time, I'll see you later.
Life's a void to be filled with activity and drugs, so business isn't all so bad. Just remember to stare off into the prism sea on occasion, keep yourself sane, you'll be stellar.