I think I am in the middle of a severe moment of dispair. All of a sudden I feel so lonely. I dont think Ive ever felt this lonely. I dont even know what I want anymore. on top of that I dont even knwoif I want to finish school. I will do it no matter what, but I am worried that I wont want to further it as a career. I want to move to london. I miss it there.
Sigh........I feel like I am learning something new about myself everyday, but very rapidly. Seems like changes happen so fast these days as well. I dont think I can keep up. I dont feel like I signed up fir this parallel. I really do just feel out pf place, like I just dont belong here.
I need to draw more. And spin. I just ordered more records. Those two things are seriously the only things that can center me inany way when I am feeling like this......and I have no time or energy to do either. I feel so fucked. Please dont think this is a pitty begging kind of journal entry..........but thats what it is......my journal.
Sigh........I feel like I am learning something new about myself everyday, but very rapidly. Seems like changes happen so fast these days as well. I dont think I can keep up. I dont feel like I signed up fir this parallel. I really do just feel out pf place, like I just dont belong here.
I need to draw more. And spin. I just ordered more records. Those two things are seriously the only things that can center me inany way when I am feeling like this......and I have no time or energy to do either. I feel so fucked. Please dont think this is a pitty begging kind of journal entry..........but thats what it is......my journal.
Also, can you rip that old-ass pic of me out of your photo folders? I'm trying to erase all online footprint... I would provide a real/paper replacement.
See ya sometime.