Thanks to everyone who wished me happy holidays and all that.
Ive been up still......I was at my dads house for mose of the night until things started getting heated, so I bailed. Then I went to visit another friend in my hometown while I was there. Returned home by 2am.....proceeded to hang out with my neighbor because he needed a ride to the airport by 5am. I am back a wad of gas merry christmas to me.
There is a boy, or maybe two.........interesting to say the least. Someone I would like to get to know. We shall see.
have a good holiday today y'all.

Ive been up still......I was at my dads house for mose of the night until things started getting heated, so I bailed. Then I went to visit another friend in my hometown while I was there. Returned home by 2am.....proceeded to hang out with my neighbor because he needed a ride to the airport by 5am. I am back a wad of gas merry christmas to me.

There is a boy, or maybe two.........interesting to say the least. Someone I would like to get to know. We shall see.
have a good holiday today y'all.

You should tell the lucky boy. News like that would sure make for good holidays.
Hopes build dissappointments. Tell him how you feel and get it out in the open. This way you don't get hurt later. Better a shot to the head than an lingering wound. Life's too short to play games. Grab it while you can.