The weirdest things remain in ones life after a relationship has ended. I had a relation with a girl from January to may but now it's over. One of the things she left in my life was this choice of sneakers. I was looking around in the shoe stores and I kept returning to these Converse all star. I chose the grey ones. Black would be to much like hers. White wouldn't stay white...
It's like a silent way to say goodbye. Even if she hurt me bad, I want to remember some of the good times. And she spoke of Converse some of those times, and how I totally should own a pair.

It's like a silent way to say goodbye. Even if she hurt me bad, I want to remember some of the good times. And she spoke of Converse some of those times, and how I totally should own a pair.

nice choice... every guy i have ever dated i bought them a pair of converse... kind of my thing.. i myself live in my black low top converse.. but i know what you mean... memories about exes don't always have to be bad...