Hi all! Sorry for it being a while between updates, but honestly my life hasn't been all that exciting in the past month. Spring break is over, my last quarter as a junior in college has started, and it's a ton of work. I've been applying for internships for the summer and even got one offered to me at a job fair I went to. So at least that's going pretty well. I'm headed to FL this weekend for the 3rd time in a month, but this time is to go spend sometime with the family at the vacation house. So overall, life is how it should be. Soon I'll be able to update you on some of my creative endeavors in school and some more photos of sunny FL.
Here's some pictures of a Supercross event I went to a few weeks ago in Jacksonville though! It was super sweetttt.

For the record, rally cars are really hard to get in and out of.

The asked if they could get their picture with me! hehe.

We got hooked up reallyyy good seats. And we got on TV because of it! So if you happened to tune into to the supercross event in jacksonville on speed tv, you probably got a glimpse of my mug.

CAREYY HARTTTT! Enough said.
So fine, maybe my life isn't THAT boring. But I'll leave more exciting tid bits in the near future
And in the mean time, check out my new set Iron Chef! Honestly, I really loved it but I've been getting a lot of flack for the photography. One of my friend's who's a great photographer shot it for me and photos that look like that are just his style. If you wanna check out his stuff, here's his site. Cedric's Photography You might even find some other pictures of me on there! I hope you guys love it just as much as I do. I'm actually gettin' my shit together and traveling a bit to shoot with staff. So you should be able to see something new from me in the next few months.
Here's some pictures of a Supercross event I went to a few weeks ago in Jacksonville though! It was super sweetttt.

For the record, rally cars are really hard to get in and out of.

The asked if they could get their picture with me! hehe.

We got hooked up reallyyy good seats. And we got on TV because of it! So if you happened to tune into to the supercross event in jacksonville on speed tv, you probably got a glimpse of my mug.

CAREYY HARTTTT! Enough said.
So fine, maybe my life isn't THAT boring. But I'll leave more exciting tid bits in the near future

And in the mean time, check out my new set Iron Chef! Honestly, I really loved it but I've been getting a lot of flack for the photography. One of my friend's who's a great photographer shot it for me and photos that look like that are just his style. If you wanna check out his stuff, here's his site. Cedric's Photography You might even find some other pictures of me on there! I hope you guys love it just as much as I do. I'm actually gettin' my shit together and traveling a bit to shoot with staff. So you should be able to see something new from me in the next few months.
holly FUCK! im in love with you seriously!
Oh my God! I remember meeting you! You are the sweetest person! I think we discussed your fringe.