Actually it's pretty non-post - but not as good as reading "the mountains of madness".
Thanks. I've got about six/seven hours in London so should be plenty.
Agreed. The only adult human being that I spoke to yesterday was the checkout girl in Aldi, she wore a curious pendant around her neck, and I feared she may have been a member of some obscure cult of Leng intent on ravenously devouring my beating heart... but she only desired to know if I wanted cashback...
Where is that? It's great!

Where is that? It's great!
I presume its victorian. They had a real sense of constructing a necropolis didn't they?
The victorian cemetary in Nottingham is quite something, it's huge and has endless nooks and crannies, including; a huge bowl shaped area with what seem to be mass graves judging by the 10+ names on each slab dated around early 1900's: paupers graves?? and, the caged off entrances to a series of rock caves/ catacombs that the city is ridled with.
I'll get round to taking some pictures...
The victorian cemetary in Nottingham is quite something, it's huge and has endless nooks and crannies, including; a huge bowl shaped area with what seem to be mass graves judging by the 10+ names on each slab dated around early 1900's: paupers graves?? and, the caged off entrances to a series of rock caves/ catacombs that the city is ridled with.
I'll get round to taking some pictures...

I am losing the silver key. As I surface more upon this world our intellectuals term the only truth, I see less of those lands beyond reason and knowledge
The humbling edifices wrought of architectures unknown are now passing into facades of shadow. If I am a God of those realms, I am a weak and disinterested one. Unworthy of the sacrifices made in my...
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The humbling edifices wrought of architectures unknown are now passing into facades of shadow. If I am a God of those realms, I am a weak and disinterested one. Unworthy of the sacrifices made in my...
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It's amazing, you still haven't managed to deaden my fascination with qm, though you gave it one hell of a good try
I never liked that damn cat anyway - more of a dog person.
Seriously, do you mean you don't find qm interesting? Why do you do it?

I never liked that damn cat anyway - more of a dog person.
Seriously, do you mean you don't find qm interesting? Why do you do it?
The local parish church is boarded up and locked. it squats obscenely amongst broken headstones, dirty white as leprous flesh in the moonlight. As I pass it journeying home at night I fancy I can hear an excited rustling at it's shadowed eaves and pray fervently it is merely bats...
Ia! Shub-Niggurath! The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young!
Unfortunately it's impossible to digest without gut juice.
I hope you don't return with a childs arm in your mouth