Having no keyboard for quiet some time sucks.

Je lter ich werde, desto mehr Leute knnen mich am arsch lecken.
you make me blush!
I caught myself thinking, and that is never a good sign. Normaly i am more of a "How should i know what i think before i hear what i say" guy.
Anyway. I changed in the last three years. I quiet smoking. I was at 40 to 50 cigs a day. And then i stopped, touched not one cigarette in the last three years. As...
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The sun is nothing more then a circle full of blood.

Go out there and tell them the truth.
The older i get, the more i get the feeling something is fundamentel wrong with this whole world.
I dont mean politics or religion, we all agree that something is going wrong there.

No, i mean this strange feeling of disconetion. When you walk down a street and suddenly you stop and ask yourself "Did this building really stand here all the time?". Or another...
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what's that from?
it reminds me of ellis someway
but it's in english, so, who knows miao!!

i desperatly need to find some new good books to read
It has to be stated. Blind Guardian is the best music band in the world.
What to say? Not much. But today is the day that my weight is 118 Kilo, That seems not something to proud about i know, but you have to know that i started a few month ago with 155 Kilo.
I simply changed my eating habits, no special diet or anything. I aim to be under 100 kilo by the end of this year. Lets...
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Weier Schnee,
fllt vom grauen Himmel,
Wasser in der Sonne.
Reality is a lie, made up by old men who think they are wiser then we are.

What does that say about us?
What does that say about them?
Is there a diffrence?

More often and often i find myself wondering what really lies at the other side of the mirror.
"Ich bin der Geist der stets verneint,
und das mit recht,
denn alles was entsteht, ist wert das es zugrunde geht."

That is the way everyone of us should be able to write.
I just finished rereading Faust. I cant say that i overly like the story itself, but the way it is told is simply breathtaking. Although i must say, seeing it on stage...
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There is a though in my head, and i cant grasp it.
It's drving me insane. I know i thought it once but now it escapes me.
There is a picture i once saw. It touched me inside my head. It made me write.
There is a word, is a sentences, is a story in my head. It aches to be told, it want to...
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