It was quiet a good year for books so far.
Lunar Park was a good one.
Finally reading Smillas sense of snow , it was the quiet good.
After at least ten years of sucking Fantasy novels there was Song of Ice and Fire by Geroge Martin, very enjoyable.
The speed of dark, again a good book, this time SF.
Only Revolutions, a Masterpiece, one of the best books ever.
Amrita, too long, but still a very enjoyable book.
Verbrechen lohnt sich doch, a old one, but one of the best crime stories ever.
Nightwatch by Sergej Lukianenko was suprisingly good.
Go ask Malice. That thing is a frelling Buffy novel and it was great, talking about unexpected.
Das zerbrochene Rad, all time classic for german roleplayer.
Lunar Park was a good one.
Finally reading Smillas sense of snow , it was the quiet good.
After at least ten years of sucking Fantasy novels there was Song of Ice and Fire by Geroge Martin, very enjoyable.
The speed of dark, again a good book, this time SF.
Only Revolutions, a Masterpiece, one of the best books ever.
Amrita, too long, but still a very enjoyable book.
Verbrechen lohnt sich doch, a old one, but one of the best crime stories ever.
Nightwatch by Sergej Lukianenko was suprisingly good.
Go ask Malice. That thing is a frelling Buffy novel and it was great, talking about unexpected.
Das zerbrochene Rad, all time classic for german roleplayer.