I took the boat out today... (Er, it's like an inflatable cannoe) for the 4th time. Got caught in a really strong current.. I thought I was going to be washed all the way out of Sacramento and out to sea.
Eventually I had to hop out and walk the boat out of the current. I was quite a ways away from where I'd launched...
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Eventually I had to hop out and walk the boat out of the current. I was quite a ways away from where I'd launched...
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The neglect method tends to work well to
It would sure be nice if I could get through one semester without developing a crush on a female professor...
not likely to happen this semester though.
I guess I'm attracted to smarts.
not likely to happen this semester though.
I guess I'm attracted to smarts.
Holy crap a new Mary set!
Cancel my appointments!!
Cancel my appointments!!
Which reminds me... if anyone caught the name of the girl rock band that subbed in during that Sacramento show, I'd appriate hearing it. :-)
Might as well make this my first blog post here...
Just got back from the SG show in Sacramento.
Which was awsome.
Nixon and Reagan, move directly to my favorites list!
Go Ex-Presidents!
Just got back from the SG show in Sacramento.
Which was awsome.
Nixon and Reagan, move directly to my favorites list!
Go Ex-Presidents!