Please be a darrrling and contact me if you'd like me to take your picture.
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I wish I had something to do to pass my time. The internet is slowly dying.
I have killer period cramps, but I'm pretty glad I've got them all the same. No one here keeps me entertained! but maybe that is just because I am pretty crap at the whole. 'communication'. thing. yeah... I try! but my shyness gets the better of me. It's pretty irritating.
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I am currently watching Alien 3 on Channel 5
There is a bit where this man goes "from ashes to ashes, from dust to dust". raaah.. I love the whole religion thing. It is pretty poetical but also pretty fucked up. I want a plastic jesus, like the ones in Romeo and Juliet. (Leonardo stylee)
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I do not think anyone would honestly ever want to read my blog. It is boring. But writing DOES take up time.
It is my birthday soon... waah... I am probably getting gifts from like.. one person? (my boy. yumyum!)
SPOILERS! (Click to view)I like Borat. But it is worrying that he reminds me of my father. Really. right down to the pulled up socks and tassled shoes... Their accents are pretty much the same too... (I am half arab. go me.)
Happy Birthday!