I am being bad about reading and posting--I haven't read any posts for about a week and it ain't happening this week, either. I think the only thing I'm on top of is the Christmas presents and we did send out cards yesterday. I've figured out that I work with way, way too many people and I want to give them all a little something, but frankly, there's just too many of them for that. We spent probably 6 hours making carmel popcorn on Sunday and that only handled a portion of the people at work. (Okay, it was only 4 batches, they do take about an hour to cook.)
Schiavona's parents are coming on Saturday, so there's a good bit of cleaning that has to happen, too. I'll probably get a chance to catch up with everyone on Sunday or Monday. If I miss you for your travels by then, I hope you have a safe and happy holiday. Love you all!!
Schiavona's parents are coming on Saturday, so there's a good bit of cleaning that has to happen, too. I'll probably get a chance to catch up with everyone on Sunday or Monday. If I miss you for your travels by then, I hope you have a safe and happy holiday. Love you all!!

Hope your holidays were excellent!!

Happy New Year! It was great to see you guys, the other night. I hope you're both enjoying your day off with lots of snuggles and mindless tv. No thinking allowed!!!