Update from Atlanta:
Travelling whilst sick sucks. Luckily, the congestion is sufficiently under control that I did not have to use nasal spray for the trip down. Other interesting things I've run into down here include a real live gingerbread house about the size of a small shed (seriously, at least 10 feet long and 6 feet across) made out of gingerbread bricks and some other dough, with buns under the eaves and flat-bread tiles for the roof. weirdest damn thing. Smells fantastic, though. Also, pomegranate and ginger make a lovely martini.
That said, I'm updating posting on SG instead of doing work, which is far preferable, but is probably going to be disappointing to some of my clients. However, I'm just not feeling responsible tonight. Not sure why.
Good news is that the latest firing worked, so we'll have the pottery sale on Monday. Spent last night putting together the floral sconces--I really need to figure out how to upload pictures to show these. . .
And the thing I've learned from watching bad TV tonight is that the Sahara has some of the oldest sand on earth and therefore it is the most polished and fine. Thus, it holds water instead of having it run through, leading to oases and it apparently rocks for sand boarding. Okay, just saw an ad for the Georgia lottery implying that your odds of winner are "good". I dunno about y'all, but 1 in 125,000 doesn't sound "good" to me. But I've always said that lotteries are taxes on people who can't do math.
Travelling whilst sick sucks. Luckily, the congestion is sufficiently under control that I did not have to use nasal spray for the trip down. Other interesting things I've run into down here include a real live gingerbread house about the size of a small shed (seriously, at least 10 feet long and 6 feet across) made out of gingerbread bricks and some other dough, with buns under the eaves and flat-bread tiles for the roof. weirdest damn thing. Smells fantastic, though. Also, pomegranate and ginger make a lovely martini.
That said, I'm updating posting on SG instead of doing work, which is far preferable, but is probably going to be disappointing to some of my clients. However, I'm just not feeling responsible tonight. Not sure why.
Good news is that the latest firing worked, so we'll have the pottery sale on Monday. Spent last night putting together the floral sconces--I really need to figure out how to upload pictures to show these. . .
And the thing I've learned from watching bad TV tonight is that the Sahara has some of the oldest sand on earth and therefore it is the most polished and fine. Thus, it holds water instead of having it run through, leading to oases and it apparently rocks for sand boarding. Okay, just saw an ad for the Georgia lottery implying that your odds of winner are "good". I dunno about y'all, but 1 in 125,000 doesn't sound "good" to me. But I've always said that lotteries are taxes on people who can't do math.
Looks like the majority of responses on the biological clock are in favor of my theory.