I've been listening to a lot of Bjork this past week. Right now am listening to 'It's Oh So Quiet' (*shhhhhh!*) Bjork is just monumental to me. I had a dream she drove past me while I was sitting on a curb and smiled at me. Bizarre!
I also saw this awesome Bjork skit they did on SNL. "Greetings SNARF.. How is your skeleton?"
"Welcome to Iceland.. There is no sunlight.. You are on fire! A demon takes your face! Come to Iceland and give us your eyes!"
Today I watched a lot of Netflix. Started out with a continuance of my ongoing Battlestar Galactica binge. Then I ended up watching American Hardcore. Good stuff..
I had a good weekend! I finally dominated my sister at dominoes! It was glorious, too. I play dominoes on my phone practically all day most days of the week. I'm hooked; it's such a fun game.
I don't know how to play dominoes.
I'm getting pretty good at it! It's very simple but there is a lot to the strategy of it that you get the hang of over time.