Hello, friends! I just got back from Mexico today! Back in Tempe for now.
I had such an amazing time. I absolutely LOVE Mexico! The people are friendly and ornery, always joking with us whether we were at the resort or downtown at the marketplace in Puerto Peasco. My best friend came along, which I might have mentioned in my last post. We had a room to ourselves which was a pleasant surprise.
We drank, swam in the pool and the ocean, tanned in the Mexican sun, drank some more, practiced our shitty Spanish, teased the waiters and towel boys, and got sand in some pretty strange places.
I bought a glass unicorn pipe at the marketplace, which was the only thing I had money to buy.. Sad, I know! It was an awesome find, though. Ended up breaking it today when I was packing but it should be fixable.
My best friend and I also managed to get both of our cameras submerged in salt water when the tide came in on the beach one day this week. Her pictures were salvaged, which I'll post at the end of this frenzied post. In addition to my camera and pipe getting fucked up, I spilled a shit ton of beer in my purse which held my phone.. -_-
Everyone back home gave me such grief about how dangerous Mexico is; granted, Mexico is dangerous in some places. Puerto Peasco was great, though. The only time I felt even a little afraid was one day when we pulled up to a gas pump on the road between the resort and downtown. Right before we finished getting gas, two military tanks pulled up with 10-15 guys each perched on top with guns. It was nuts!
Aside from destroying my phone and camera, I had a ridiculously fun time in Mexico and can't wait to go back.
On the drive from Tempe to Mexico.
The view from the lobby at our resort.
The view from our room. My first beer of the week!
Bit hung over.

I had such an amazing time. I absolutely LOVE Mexico! The people are friendly and ornery, always joking with us whether we were at the resort or downtown at the marketplace in Puerto Peasco. My best friend came along, which I might have mentioned in my last post. We had a room to ourselves which was a pleasant surprise.
We drank, swam in the pool and the ocean, tanned in the Mexican sun, drank some more, practiced our shitty Spanish, teased the waiters and towel boys, and got sand in some pretty strange places.
I bought a glass unicorn pipe at the marketplace, which was the only thing I had money to buy.. Sad, I know! It was an awesome find, though. Ended up breaking it today when I was packing but it should be fixable.
My best friend and I also managed to get both of our cameras submerged in salt water when the tide came in on the beach one day this week. Her pictures were salvaged, which I'll post at the end of this frenzied post. In addition to my camera and pipe getting fucked up, I spilled a shit ton of beer in my purse which held my phone.. -_-
Everyone back home gave me such grief about how dangerous Mexico is; granted, Mexico is dangerous in some places. Puerto Peasco was great, though. The only time I felt even a little afraid was one day when we pulled up to a gas pump on the road between the resort and downtown. Right before we finished getting gas, two military tanks pulled up with 10-15 guys each perched on top with guns. It was nuts!
Aside from destroying my phone and camera, I had a ridiculously fun time in Mexico and can't wait to go back.

On the drive from Tempe to Mexico.

The view from the lobby at our resort.

The view from our room. My first beer of the week!

Bit hung over.

Looks like you had a great time regardless of what folks said and the liquid issues.
That "first beer" pic... that's a postcard for "I wish I was there"