I've been walking to and from school/work because I finally ran out of my school money and had no gas. It was drizzly and cold out today, so not fun. I feel better walking, though. Plus, I spend like $30-35 a week in parking alone. Ridiculous.
Last night I did math homework and studied for my Cultural Geography test (thinking it was today). When I got to my Cultural Geography class he "reminds" us that the test isn't until next Thursday and the review is on Tuesday. I left shortly after this announcement because I had already finished reading the chapter he was going over today, and I had shit to do.
Went up to the math lab and did the quiz online. It was a tricky one, that's for sure. You can take the quizzes up to 10 times and I ended up having to take it like five over the course of an hour.
I just got home with soggy, cold feet and numb fingers.
I just heated up some white rice and made myself a delicious hot chocolate/Ovaltine concoction. Now I'm watching the original Star Wars: Episode IV.
I don't plan on doing anything productive tonight.
Tomorrow I work from 11-2 pm and get paid! Woohoo! I have a negative balance in my checking account.. Hehe, oops. Everything will get figured out when my payroll gets deposited, luckily. Then I have my electric to pay, my phone bill to pay, and my bursar account at the school to start paying on. I'll be lucky if I have $20 to live on for the next two weeks until I get paid again. Sigh.
"We seem to be made to suffer. It's our lot in life." - C3P0
Last night I did math homework and studied for my Cultural Geography test (thinking it was today). When I got to my Cultural Geography class he "reminds" us that the test isn't until next Thursday and the review is on Tuesday. I left shortly after this announcement because I had already finished reading the chapter he was going over today, and I had shit to do.
Went up to the math lab and did the quiz online. It was a tricky one, that's for sure. You can take the quizzes up to 10 times and I ended up having to take it like five over the course of an hour.
I just got home with soggy, cold feet and numb fingers.

I don't plan on doing anything productive tonight.

Tomorrow I work from 11-2 pm and get paid! Woohoo! I have a negative balance in my checking account.. Hehe, oops. Everything will get figured out when my payroll gets deposited, luckily. Then I have my electric to pay, my phone bill to pay, and my bursar account at the school to start paying on. I'll be lucky if I have $20 to live on for the next two weeks until I get paid again. Sigh.
"We seem to be made to suffer. It's our lot in life." - C3P0
life is tough, i used to say to people "life is full of disappointments, get used to it". its true, it is but i learnt to be more positive. sometimes you have to focus on what you do have rather than what you dont. C3PO included :-)