i'm going to buy a big gas guzzzling 4x4 1972 GMC L-bed truck
with a 402 hemmy and a 4' lift, and i'm going to love every minute of it.
sorry it's not a political statement1
where we just moved i might be able to get high speed cable internet and get downtown LA in less than an hour.
i still have 20 minutes of dirt-unmaintained by the county-pray theres not a rain storm-i can shoot my guns wherever i want-road.
paradise found
with a 402 hemmy and a 4' lift, and i'm going to love every minute of it.
sorry it's not a political statement1
where we just moved i might be able to get high speed cable internet and get downtown LA in less than an hour.
i still have 20 minutes of dirt-unmaintained by the county-pray theres not a rain storm-i can shoot my guns wherever i want-road.
paradise found
i love CRACK heads they always leave their deposit.... an extra 20 never hurts, but if drugs were legal it would be really uncool to do them, their might be less overdoses and maybe the economy would fatten and swell like a fattend calf , and me being KING they would have to sacrafice that calf in my honor.....AMEN<
[Edited on Jun 26, 2003]
Lisa Gerard! I am a HUGE Dead Can Dance fan! Her voice makes my hair stand up on my arms
Nice to meet you.