i've been wishing lately that i was an animal. maybe a coyote or a bear, something wild and generaly care free.
to sleep all day after a good nights hunt, maybe get a little action. but just generaly move on instinct not rules and social norm's.
are we realy better off?
what kind of thing would you be, other than human?
to sleep all day after a good nights hunt, maybe get a little action. but just generaly move on instinct not rules and social norm's.
are we realy better off?
what kind of thing would you be, other than human?

but i lived a long time respect me
fuck that, i forget who was talking about the elderly but they made a good point , for the most part old people are really grouchy and safe, but i love the old people that have thown caution to the wind and live life HARD, the ones that don't give a bleeing fuck the dangerous old people that don't look when they turn, the ones that dink and smoke 3 packs a day and still want kisses... salute..