i love the changes to sg. the sad part is i had to start the journal entries twice because the smileys arent working as of yet. that kinda killed my whole scheme of things. thats ok.
i can adapt and overcome.
so just after i posted the last entry "the pig" seemed to notice. well at least it was someone that thought they were the pig icon which cracked me up. ten mins in the house and i am getting bitched at. i cant really explain that one. i guess he had reason to think that i was pissed at him. i am tired of the whole situation with him. its not even worth fighting anymore. i am ready to throw in the towel on this one.
he has that whole hook up thing with megan tomarrow. i still have the queasy feeling that they are going to screw at some point but sometimes you have to realize things are out of your hands. kinda a let go, let god type moment.
so i just gave the fuck up.
dont care. i dont have time to care really.
i can adapt and overcome.
so just after i posted the last entry "the pig" seemed to notice. well at least it was someone that thought they were the pig icon which cracked me up. ten mins in the house and i am getting bitched at. i cant really explain that one. i guess he had reason to think that i was pissed at him. i am tired of the whole situation with him. its not even worth fighting anymore. i am ready to throw in the towel on this one.
he has that whole hook up thing with megan tomarrow. i still have the queasy feeling that they are going to screw at some point but sometimes you have to realize things are out of your hands. kinda a let go, let god type moment.
so i just gave the fuck up.
dont care. i dont have time to care really.