sounds stupid but after having a chat about the loss of virginity with a freind tonight, i have to second think all the boys and girls that i have messed with.
i guess its a learning experince this sex thing. you are raised to have guilt about your body and what you do with it.
people think that if theyd dont have you look at porn or talk about sex that it will just go away.
now look at society in our parents generation. they didnt talk as openly about sex as we do now, did it keep them from screwing?
out grandparents were not open about sex and it happened.
its a thing that always happens. people have sex and without it there would never be more people.
its so stupid. there is nothing bad about having sexuality as part of who you are.
i dont know if i go out of the way to be sexy but i have a healthy appreciation for sexuality and things that are pretty.
there is a healthiness to the whole sex thing i think.
ok i should move foward onto a differnt topic soon caz it is getting boring.
found out that a bunch of my poor ass freinds have been living on a bag of pretzel for a week, time to fed ex food
i guess its a learning experince this sex thing. you are raised to have guilt about your body and what you do with it.
people think that if theyd dont have you look at porn or talk about sex that it will just go away.
now look at society in our parents generation. they didnt talk as openly about sex as we do now, did it keep them from screwing?
out grandparents were not open about sex and it happened.
its a thing that always happens. people have sex and without it there would never be more people.
its so stupid. there is nothing bad about having sexuality as part of who you are.
i dont know if i go out of the way to be sexy but i have a healthy appreciation for sexuality and things that are pretty.
there is a healthiness to the whole sex thing i think.
ok i should move foward onto a differnt topic soon caz it is getting boring.
found out that a bunch of my poor ass freinds have been living on a bag of pretzel for a week, time to fed ex food