So.. my pictures are finished.. minor adjustments and information uploads being done and I am smitten with the pictures, the talented woman who did them (LORELEI!!) and the idea of POSSIBLY getting accepted.. so we will see..
Still waiting for the rest of the pictures to be finished.. I'm so anxious to see them all.. god I cant fucking wait.. It's almost been two months since I took the shots! I'm ready!!
omg omg omg omg... ok.. the set is being finished soon and I saw some of them.. I'm SOOO excited to get this set out.. even if it isn't accepted, the pictures are FUCKING GREAT!!!!
Been workin'... totally psyched about Obama winning!!! All of my co-workers are McRager mavericks.. so it's not to not say anything and still know victory..
Thanks for all who voted.. life should be somewhat more pleasant not having a dolt for a president.
So life has been surreal.. broken up and still living with the guy is not fun. I'm getting the itch.. BAD.. so it's just a matter of time before .... I won't say more.
I just know that I am ready for action.. if you get my drift. it's been a long time running without proper booty..
Hey, hope things have started to look better for you. It sucks being around an ex cause even if you are not really into them things sometimes happen. Keep your chin up and I can't wait for your set with Lorilee, she is awesome.