I'm here, I'm not I'm here I'm not. Its SG, how can anyone stay away from the most beautiful ladies on the web?
The only think that maybe could be better is if we saw hardcore.. but it would probably disappiont so all the same its the best it can be
Hmm...I'm not seeing the panties, but the other stuff looks hot biggrin
Hope to see some of you @ the SG show on the 15th! Pickin' up my tix tomorrow. Sadly none of my uber faves will be there, but any SG is better than no SG at all.
I just found out that one of my friends from way back actually knew Reagan, hung out with her. she use to date some guy she knew. How cool is that? I need more SG in my life.
How strange...I used to live in Ft. Lauderdale too! Small world! Hope to hear from you on a regular basis smile
I seem to have a problem w/ getting things done. I like to put them off til the last minute and then after its due try and do them like my term paper for instance I've had all semister to do it but its due at 8 its not done. Meanwhile I come to SG for distraction. Its not that I didn't wanna do it...
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Day 1 of 9 hours of Photo down one more to go, busy did about 50 rolls in four hours. I go on break and come back to 13 rolls in the to be processed bin so I have to stay an extra 30 mins so I can prep them for tomrrow morrning. Does anyone elses job suck? I haven't gotta a rasie in almost...
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thank you smile
Ok most of the pics are up some still need work but its mostly there. I had a strange one at school today I took a nap between classes woke up got sick and headed for class only to find out it was cancelled. Wish I would have known that so I could have come home at 12 to work on this instead of 3...
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Well a few of the pics are up.. more coming soon. Busy day today have to study for a test tomrrow , get a chunk of homework out of the way and then hang out w/ a few different people before I crash. My favorite editior is being mean to me thats why this is taking so long, I found a round about way to...
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*Gasps* Joy!
Just got back from Whipped 2k5 and I must say I met alot of amazing people tonight. Include the girls, not only are they beautiful but sweet too. Thanks for the autographs and your time. I had a blast getting to know each of you it was great. Hopefully we will have pics by mid week to share... If they come out that is.

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i want to see a picture!!!!!!!
ooooo would you be so kind to send me some?
i want to show my mom and my friends that didnt get to make it... that would be sooo nice

ps it was awesome to meet you