My cat is making me insane. I love him like crazy but there is 24 hours in a day, everyday yet every time i sit down to eat my dinner he wanders to the cat box, drops a deuce and ruins the very air i breath for at least 20 to 30 minutes, no spray is strong enough and i end up having to rain check my lovely delicious meal until cleaner air becomes breathable. I shit you not its every day. His evil stinky poop
timing could not be more perfect then an precision alarm clock. Then i spend 10 minutes trying to reason with him. As if he has any idea of what i am saying. Crazyness!!

Hi new friend! Haha, I understand what you mean. We have two cats and the younger of the two ALWAYS takes the ickiest shits! You look at her in disbelief that something SO gross could come outa something so cute!! Haha, how's your week going?
Hello back at you. My week is good so far. My cat is a shit n runner. He wont burry his treasure. I think it stinks so bad he doesnt want anything to do with it so after a few scratches on the wall he bolts out of the box. I think he thinks the wall is where the litter comes from hence the scratching.