The TV show INTERVENTIONS.... WOW!! If you like watching human train wrecks this is the show. If you have a fucked up life, this is the show to watch to make you feel better. Having gone through my own personal drug issues in the past I can relate with some of the issues, however this show shows me things I never thought I would ever see before and did not know even existed. Yesterday I watched a young girl addicted to Air Compressed Keyboard Cleaner. The first thing I thought was "I didn't know you could get high off of that". Not only was she getting high but she was treating each and every can of Dust-it like it was her personal crack pipe. She even had lip burns from repeated inhalations that during that show seemed to be non-stop. I will say the show did have a happy ending. Not all of them do. Alcoholics who have gotten to the point that they would drink mouthwash or hospital isopropyl hand cleaner. The crack heads, meth fiends, heroin addicts. The depravity is deep. The addiction is one thing but to shoot up and smoke a crack pipe in the middle of a crowded living room during grandma's 70th birthday is a definite call for help. And for those that this show helps I am very happy for. What blows me away are the odd and bizarre addictions out there. the Gas Huffers, The Glue Sniffers, and Dust-it heads. I am just waiting for the day when someone is addicted to huffing the methane from their own rotting poo. On that note I will end this with my own sort of depravity, I used to steal whip cream cans from the 99 cent store and take them into the bathroom and huff out the Nitrous Oxide until I got caught in the act. This is a sick world and we are all a little fucked up. Me included 

That's a good episode. I prefer the hoarders show though.
Sometimes I wonder if only in America do Hoarders exist? I have not been out of the country much but I just cant imagine a Japanese family with one of those paper door houses with too much shit collected inside. I guess its ok to stereotype if you are blaming your own culture for such odd behavior. My mom is a hoarder and its funny in a way. She goes to Swap meets and garage sales every weekend and buys more shit then she has room for and I blame the TV show CASH IN THE ATTIC. Every item she buys she believes it has some unseen value but without historical knowledge to back the items up she will buy it now find out later. I don't want to ruin her good time. At least she keeps a clean house besides all the brick a brack everywhere. When I do watch the show all I can think of is Get a storage unit!! Problem solved.....